Triphorse seeks packaging innovation


With the arrival of new products Skippy Singles and Skippy PB Bites in mid- 2014 and mid- 2015 respectively, Hormel expands the peanut butter brand “outside the consumer ” by craving for a single-cup, portable and high protein snack alternative. Jar" . Singles two series of six products are charged 1.5 oz plastic cups in a 9 oz plastic box fitted peanut dipping sauce. The Skippy PB Bites series comes in two combinations and is a popular round peanut butter snack in a 6- ounce transparent cup.

From the very beginning, Hormel envisions a product that is portable and distinguishable from competing products, while at the same time ensuring that the brand personality of Teijin is highlighted. Another expectation is that packaging will enable consumers to see the interior of the product and mark a new kind of experience. To achieve these goals, Hormel chose Berry Plastics Blue Clover Studio to design the packaging structure and designed the packaging graphics by the Smith Design Studio.

Through repeated design of a series of concepts, the Teijin brand team, Hormel packaging design team, Berry Plastics, Blue Clover Studio and Smith Design Studio designed two new custom packaging to meet all Hormel's Expected.

Portability is important

The Singles packaging project began in July 2013 when Blue Clover and the cross-functional team from Hormel held a conception meeting at the studio in Evansville, Indiana. Recalls Scott Fisher, director of design for Blue Clover, recalled: “The initial idea conference presented many ideas, from adaptability to disruptive solutions, from the use of existing packaging components, in whole or in part, to high quality anti-value, functionality and The very personal concept of user experience solutions.

In the disruptive scenario, the enhanced styling, functionality, and user experience elements are even more prominent. However, easiness, filling, production cycle and price are also affected accordingly. All this helps to choose the best solution, with a higher impact on users and a lower impact on commercialization. ”

The second package, the transparent cylindrical polypropylene container, is simple and simple in design. Its simple lines facilitate in-mold label operation, which is one of Berry 's core packaging technologies. Fisher said: Even the small details of the mosaic structure of the main part of the cup body are carefully designed so that the smooth outer surface can be maintained and the inner label of the overlay type is allowed to be the largest. “

Functionally, Fisher explained that this rigid plastic cup provides structural integrity throughout the product cycle, maintains the integrity of the dispensing cup, and includes a resealable plastic lid that holds the cup firmly. He added: " The size of the cup is just right for the average user's hand, and dispensing cups can be conveniently and efficiently dispensed.

The cup is injection moulded by Berry Plastics and the top cover is made of linear low density polyethylene plus a colouring agent to match the diversity of the Singles range. Skippy blue is the original cream and brown is the natural cream. .

(For details, please refer to: )

[Note] China Packaging Information Network is the official website of China Packaging News and China Packaging Industry Magazine.

Contact: Gu Yingyi Mobile Phone

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