Outdoor sports Orienteering

Map + compass (physical + intelligence + passion)
Orienteering is the use of a detailed map (Map) and a compass (Compass), in order to visit the various points on the map (Controls), to reach all the winners in the shortest time to win. Directional movements are usually carried out in forests and on the outskirts, but also in parks and campuses.
Orienteering is a very healthy and intelligent sports program. It is a sport in which both intelligence and physical strength are equal. It not only strengthens physical fitness, but also develops people's ability to think independently, independently resolve difficulties encountered, and respond quickly to physical and mental stress, and the ability to make decisive decisions. It also helps build a strong social network around the world.
● Orienteering is a student sports program. Because it cultivates students' ability to independently analyze problem solving and good logical thinking.
● Orienteering is a family sport. On weekends, the family returns to nature, relaxes, entertains, rapports, and has fun.
● Orienteering is an elite talent cooperative and harmonious sports program. Because it is full of challenges; it is bold to try a solution that has never been tried, and requires that you reach your goal with the highest time-saving from your legs to your brain. For team competitions, relay races and home games, cooperation and harmony are the key to success. Group-oriented competition is a very good team-building activity; General Motors, Intel, Roche, etc. have targeted the group as a training project for team building.
● Orienteering is a very important world military sports program. It is a movement of intelligence and physical strength. To become a good directional player, only physical strength is not enough, and good intelligence, planning, sense of space, sense of direction and other intelligence factors are all very important. Orienteering has been listed as a 2008 Olympic Games competition and has its own world championship.
● Orienteering is a project that blends people and nature. To return to nature and relax, Orienteering is a healthy outdoor sports program, usually conducted in the wild or in a city park. Because it teaches you how to take care of your own behavior in nature; care for nature and obey the country park rules.
● Orienteering is a noble social sports program. In nature, it may be Bell's personnel manager, 3M's marketing director, eBay's online expert, or China Eastern's stewardess... Sports are the world's language, and you must spend a lot and get a lot.
● Orienteering is an adventure treasure hunt sport. Give you a thrilling life experience.
Therefore, the directional movement has attracted the participation of people of all ages, men and women, people from all walks of life, and people of all ages. For many targeted people, orientation has become a way of life. Give up the tedious routine of “seeing the temple during the day and sleeping at night” and leave the bar and mahjong table. Let us participate in the exciting directional movement together in nature, accept the challenge of “physical strength + intelligence” and enjoy the feeling of winning together.
Directional origins originated in Sweden. The word first appeared in 1886. At that time, the vast expanse of Scandinavia was covered with endless forests and countless lakes. Towns and villages were sparsely scattered. People mainly used the paths that lie on the banks of the lake. People living in this kind of geography take for granted the skills of accurately recognizing directions more than those in other regions of the world. Otherwise, it is dangerous and difficult to cross the forest. Over time, the ethnic groups who often acted in the forests on the peninsula took local materials and formulated a set of rules for their own entertainment, namely orientation. The International Association for Ordnance Sports, or IOF for short, was recognized by the International Olympic Committee in 1997. Currently, 46 countries around the world, including China, are its members.

Zhengfeng Chifeng Outdoor Sports Club for the exclusive publication of outdoor data network

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