The use of whitening lotion

Do you know what is the use of lotion? Have you used whitening lotion? Let's take a look, let you achieve your whitening desire without hurting your muscles.

1, enhanced cleaning, exfoliation

After cleansing, use a cotton pad to take a cleansing lotion , gently wipe it on the face, take away the clean oil and old dead skin cells, and greatly enhance the skin's ability to absorb the follow-up skin care products.

2, homemade cooling mask

Soak the paper film with a lotion , put it in the refrigerator for 3 minutes, then take it out and apply it to the face for 10 minutes. It not only can cool down and dissipate heat, but also has the functions of quick hydrating and moisturizing, whitening and soothing, which makes whitening, moisturizing and cooling three-in-one. Moreover, the cost of the lotion mask is much cheaper than that of the face mask.

3, office first aid spray water

In the hot summer, long-term office will make the skin dry and dry, dull and dull. Therefore, you can buy a portable small spray bottle, pour your favorite whitening lotion into the bottle, you can “thirst” the skin at any time, so that the skin is always moist and shiny.

4, facial hot sauna

Appropriate steaming noodles can replenish skin moisture. Before steaming your face, apply a layer of whitening lotion to help open the pores, so that the skin absorbs more water and prevents the skin from slacking due to high temperatures. However, the steaming face is only used once a week for 15 minutes.

5, let beauty products reborn

The weather started to get hot, and sometimes the greasy skin care products in winter have not been used up, but they are reluctant to lose them. They can be diluted with lotion and the texture will be more refreshing. Too thick makeup, when found to push unevenly, you can also add a drop or two of lotion to reconcile, there will be a thin and transparent feeling of water foundation.

Thermal Inkjet Technolog

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