Introduction to Geneious Bioinformatics Software

Geneious is a comprehensive, cross-platform bioinformatics software that includes the manipulation, discovery, sharing and exploration of biological data such as DNA sequences or proteins, systems evolution, three-dimensional structural information, and published literature. Its functions include sequence alignment and systematic analysis, contigs, primer design and cloning and restriction analysis, using NCBI and EMBL, BLAST, protein structure review, automated medical search and more. It even includes an API where you can create your personal bioinformatics plugin.

Sequence analysis

Consensus sequence, DNA and protein conversion and complementation.

Dual sequence and multiple sequence analysis options, including ClustalW, MUSCLE, pairwise alignment and translation alignment.

Create a phylogenetic tree with NJ, bootstrapping, consistent tree, and PAUP, and the MrBayes plugin.

Instantly update consensus sequences, translations, supplements and protein analysis.

Find patterns, open reading frames (ORFs).

Laboratory sequence analysis

Automated contig group collection, vector screening, collection and chromatographic editing.

The 454 import and assembly reference can support viewing large data sets.

Restrictions and pathway cloning, restriction mapping, digestion and connectivity.

Primers can be designed automatically with degenerate support.

Keep the primer database and search for primers that fit the new sequence.

Sequence visualization

Customizable graphics browser and sequence editor, calibration and annotation.

Interactive, customizable plasmid map.

The phylogenetic tree browser can be customized for layout, color and style.

Instant updates of graphics, including sequence identification, chromatographic traces and protein properties.

3D protein structure view.

Fast, interactive point map.

Simple, high quality image output.

Organize and share databases

Save and organize all your research materials, including sequences, publications, and evolutionary trees, in one place.

Extensive file input and output, including Vector NTI, Nexus, GenBank, Fasta, PDF, ABI and more.

Consolidate and share network data on a secure central server.

Retrieve and classify data based on sequence similarity, sorting, basic, and advanced text.

Add your own custom annotations for the sequence, alignment and system tree.

Enter the public database

Drag and drop sequences from NCBI (including genes, genomes, nucleotides, single nucleotide polymorphisms, structures and proteins).

Double click the mouse to query the NCBI BLAST sequence.

Keep your NCBI and EMBL up to date with automatic updates.

Tight integration with the Pfam database.

Public data is quickly downloaded and efficiently filtered.

Bioinformatics teaching

Geneious direct connection materials create interactive tutorials.

All biometric tools are available with a single click of the mouse.

Students can answer questions, analyze them and submit their results using Collaboration.

Data management

Automatically retrieve the latest published articles and automatically categorize new published articles based on your interests.

Save summary and bibliographic information.

Quickly connect to original articles and reference records on the web.

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