New exploration of new craft quality of book cover binding

The traditional book cover binding, whether it is hardcover, paperback, flat back, round back, or Galle mouth, with a cover, whether it is high-end or low-end books, basically uses glazing, film and other surface finishing technologies. In the design and processing of cover text and patterns, color printing, hot stamping, gold printing and convex technology are also mainly used. In recent years, with the improvement of people's material and cultural living standards, people have higher and higher requirements on the quality and style of book binding. How to explore new technological ways and change the book binding mode to meet the different cultural needs of different groups It is undoubtedly the issue that publishing houses and book printing enterprises should seriously consider and break through.

To this end, based on the book printing market, the Yunnan National Defense Printing Factory has the courage to innovate and explore boldly. It has embarked on a path of its own, and has effectively promoted the application of new technologies and new processes in book cover binding. It has been applied to multiple sets of books. , Also contributed to preventing the outflow of the Yunnan Dian Edition of high-quality books.

Use special printing process to increase the color change of the cover

In the creative design of the cover, the defense factory tried to use some unique printing techniques according to the requirements of the publishing unit and the characteristics of the readership. For example, in the design of the cover of a group of young readers, the process of local UV glazing on the matte film, screen printing of colorful crystals and matte special inks are used boldly to increase the three-dimensional sense of the cover and give the picture and text crystal clarity. The effect also highlights the lively and sunny style of the cover. Correspondingly adopting characteristic binding technology on the cover to improve the viewing value of the book, this is undoubtedly a new attempt to apply a variety of process combinations on traditional post-press processing methods, and has achieved the desired effect, and has also obtained the publishing unit 1. The unanimous praise of the sales unit and the consumer's approval have increased the number of books printed repeatedly.

Using laser engraving technology to improve the quality of book binding

At present, the National Defense Factory is embarking on a research to break the traditional method of copying pictures and texts that can only be copied by printing on the book cover patterns and texts, and boldly exploring and researching some new processes and technologies. If the method of laser engraving is used instead of printing, an ink-free graphic effect is produced on the cover to increase the stereoscopic effect of the graphic and enhance the cover grade. At the same time, we also consider using some different materials and processes for a scientific combination, and strive to use more novel ideas and new process technologies to perfectly combine to comprehensively improve the quality and finishing quality of the book cover, in order to achieve heart-pounding, people Love the purpose of watching.

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