Frontpage2000 web page production [Operation]

Wending 563150 multimedia chapter masters the structure of the site; from now on. Let's learn to make your first homepage. First we need to know, we are talking about the personal homepage. To be professional, it should be said that it is a personal website. How to say it, because a website is made up of many pages. Pieces and so on. The homepage we are talking about actually refers to the first page of this website. For example. Back home, first you will enter the living room and the living room is equal to the homepage. There are many decorations in the living room that are equal to the content of the homepage. After rest in the living room, you will do other things, such as entering the kitchen to cook the kitchen equal to yours. The first page in the site. In the kitchen, there are a lot of appliances and kitchen appliances equal to the content of the first page in the website. Repeat this way. There are sleeping rooms and toilets in the house. Balcony, etc., then there will be a first page in your website, the first one. The first one, even reaching a few thousand. So you can understand, a website is equal to a home, then how does this family have it, we first run which 2 in the control window menu bar to select a new site, such as in the next pop-up window you can see To 2. For example, the template of some websites with 1 port 叩 62000 means to do it according to its meaning. We do not use these templates. We select the empty site in the template selection window on the left and then specify the new site in the option on the right. In the location, type the folder address where you want to save this website. For the first time, when it was 3962000, it automatically generated a new site. Save to the 7 folders of my document, you can also re-create a folder as a storage point for the website. We will save the website folder as the website folder or the main text to create a new site. Found that the crown of 62000 is turned into work 00, post 5 and 5, so that you have already opened a website or you have created other websites, we can pass the 3962000 menu bar inside The file opens the site to open the other 1 China Electronics and Network Publishing. In the pop-up window, choose to save the folder address of the website. 4, then press the Open button to play it. It runs like a port. It adds 3962000 and it opens its own editing. Close the site to close it.

When you have created a new site, you can open the folder column by pressing 0 in the button bar of the control window or look at the website folder. Is there two new folders, a folder called Hearts for us? To save the file files on this website, you should save the pieces you want to use before you create the web page. There is also a folder called the coffee, and in the future you will find a lot of incomprehensible folders like the 7 in the folder, folder or folder, in fact, this is the folder that the system uses to do the caching.

We don't think it is garbage, just delete it. useful. Don't delete it. For the convenience of management, you can also add some folders to save other content. For example, add a folder named 665 to save other pages of the website, so that you don't feel messy when you manage it.

There are two ways to add a folder. The first method is to close first, 1叩62000. Then create a new folder in the website folder. After you build it, run it again. The claw is called 62000. You can see it by clicking the Open folder column in the control window button bar. You will find that there is a new folder. Another method is to add 5. directly to the folder column.

0, the beginning of the new web page, every file 1 should pay attention to, all the added folders, or all the things stored in the folder, must be named in English. Otherwise, there will be Lianliang 4 Yan Yan, a good poem is wrong and can not be browsed, in short. Everything on the website is in English. Of course, you can also delete certain files or folders from the website. The specific method is similar to the new folder.

It is here. Maybe you think of what homepage, what is the first homepage, what homepage is not the website or something, the head of the fog 3 then you can look at 6. This can understand the point or explain the main folder in 6 is just like the analogy Said home, the main file is the living room of the home, of course, there can be many master files. But you have to remember. The real home page name in the website must be old. Plus or like. 1 is also the only reason why the author will explain 3 in the future and the dice folder refers to the kitchen at home. A subfile is a decoration or utensil in the kitchen. You can also have a lot of so far we have learned to create a site and manage it. In the next lecture, we will learn to make the first page in the website, don't miss the 1 piece used in the website must be saved in the main folder of the website folder.

2 Do not delete the folder inside the website folder.

3 Master the new or delete subfolders in the website folder.

Chapter 1 Makes your first home page 0 after knowing the structure of a website. Do you really want to make a web page on the website right away? We will learn how to make this chapter.

First we run, 1 print 52000, and open a site. After opening the site, we will start working in the editing area of ​​the production window. If you have forgotten what a production window or what is an editing area, you can review the chapters in this tutorial.

As the author compares in the first chapter. The web page is like a piece of white paper. How to make it look beautiful, gorgeous, the key is to look at the web designer himself. There are indispensable words and images in the webpage, and the text and images are placed in the position that you want. A webpage comes out. In fact, it is as simple as making a webpage. Then we will start, we will create a new webpage, you can click the button in the control window button bar. To create a new web page, how to make the text on the web page, you should not know it; typing in the editing area will cause the text that appears when the cursor flashes. My library is playing in the editing area. Welcome to visit me. Hello home page, welcome you to my home page 4 font menu can choose the font you want, font can change the shape of the text can be bold or oblique body, the size is to change the size of the text, you can also change the color and Add some text effects. If you change it, you can preview it in the preview area. If you are not satisfied, you can change it.

Let's modify the font to be set to Song. In the font menu, select Song = font is bold, and the font menu is bold. The text size is 6, which is 24 pounds, the color is red, and the text effect is underlined. Press OK. You will find that the text you just played in the editing area has changed 5= Of course you can also change it to your favorite style.

The most important element in a web page is the piece, except for the text. If there is only text in the webpage, and there is no matching or decoration of the film, it will be very dull. Then, how to add a slice to the webpage in the 3962000 production webpage? It is very simple. We move the mouse cursor on the editing area to the place where the editing area wants to appear, and then press the insert in the button bar of the control window. Button, select the slice 6 you want to put on the web page in the pop-up window, press OK.

Everyone remembers that the format of the inserted web page must be, 6 or you may not want the text on the web page to be the same, just black. You may want it to be red. It may also be desirable to be blue. Or you want some text to be bigger. And there are some special effects, how to change the text is very simple. We use the left button of the mouse to enclose the words you want to change the color. 2. Enclose and press the right mouse button to select the text in the pop-up menu. 3. Then select the way you want to change in the pop-up window. 1 Wide format, how do readers distinguish between the two formats and other formats? If you install 0, 3 to see this famous viewing software, you can look at it here to remind everyone in the chapter that the author has already mentioned After the site 1 China Electronics and Network Publishing, the location of the film is saved, you must save the slice used in the web page in the folder called the website folder. If the movie you inserted is not saved in the website folder, you will not see the inserted movie in the web page when you browse the web. So everyone should keep in mind all the files on the website. Includes web pages. Movies and so on must be saved in the folder of this website, you must also use the English name = also note that the film has been inserted into the page, you can not modify the file name of the film, otherwise when browsing Similarly, you can insert a piece of 31 words that you can't read. If you don't have one, you can insert other pieces you like.

So far, a simple web page has been successfully created. Click the preview button in the toggle button of the production window to preview it.

If you want to learn to make the webpage look better, you are welcome to continue reading the first section of this chapter. = When you modify the properties of the text, you must enclose the text you need to modify with the left mouse button.

2 All files on the website must be saved in the website folder.

3 A slice that has been inserted into a web page can no longer modify its file name.

Chapter 1 Make Your First Homepage 2 You may be really disgusted with the page you made in the previous section. Because it is too much! Well, let's learn. Strive for more professional; in the previous section, we made the webpage 8, giving people the feeling that it is messy except for a very small time.

This is the case with web pages. In order to give people a visual impact or enjoyment, you must match the elements of words and films, etc. For the page above, if you put the words and pieces in the middle, feel It will be better. But what do we have to do to make it easier to place the elements on the page neatly, this is the use of the grid.

How to use the grid in the web page 7 we click, add 133962000 control window menu bar grid insert box 9, in the pop-up window select the request to insert the grid = select it, press OK, it is inserted in your web page The grid. !

We create a new web page, select the insert grid, the large cell spacing in the pop-up window is, specify the width as 1 and refer to the percentage 1 and press OK, we insert two rows of cells in the web page.

Next, we put the words we like in the first line. And define its properties. Insert a piece of film in the first row of Gerry.

The number of rows selected in the small column is 2. The number of columns is the thickness of the border, the cell margins and the single Ding library are here. Some readers are not satisfied with any ghosts, and it is not the same as the previous one! Haha, this is the beginning of the good show. = Just said, if you move the text and the film to the middle of the page, it will look better, then we will move it now. How to move specifically, do you want us to be cute? We use the left mouse button to enclose the grid so that the text and slices inside are selected. Move the mouse to the edge line at the top of the grid and press the left button. After enclosing it 13 and then we press the center button in the button of the control window. Center the selected content. 14. If you need it later, you can also use the button bar. If you put it in the middle, is it good to see it? Next, we will continue to edit the content inside the webpage, and still use the grid and center button to add some 4 Happy content.

I have inserted Zhang Xiaodang under the original (3) (1) film and it is not very good. It is professional enough. It is not professional. Oh, it is not professional, because there is no Super China Electronics on this page. Link to web publishing.

Hyperlinks are the soul of a website, so to speak. A hyperlink is like a blood vessel in a human body. If people's hands lack blood vessels, then the blood can't flow to the hands. The hand can't move. The website is also the same. If your subfile is on the home page, you can't see the subfiles that follow. and so. Hyperlinks play an important role in web pages.

Don't think it's very important to learn. It's not = in the coronation 62000. It's like typing a simple link. It's as simple as typing. Let's not worry about the webpage we just made, save it first. Click the Save button on the button bar to save the new web page and edit your own self-introduction in the editing area.

Then save. Remember to save in English. For example, use 530., can not use Chinese. Saved, we reopened the home page I just saved and made a hyperlink to the self-introduction on the homepage. Use the left mouse button to enclose the self-introduction word on the homepage, then click the hyperlink button in the button bar, select the one you just saved to add 130 in the pop-up window, press OK, if you find yourself under the word There are more horizontal lines. Explain that your hyperlink has been successful, and then I will do a good job of collecting several pages of my collection and my hobbies. And link them in turn. As a link to write to me, it is important to note that it is slightly different because you are writing to you to send an email; so the address of this link should be your email address. In the pop-up window of the click hyperlink button, click the circle button in the 18, and fill in your email address in another pop-up window. Even if the text can be a link, can the film be a link to it? Of course, click on the piece you want to make the link to and press the hyperlink button in the button. It’s exactly the same as doing a text link.

There is also a final supplement here. Every page should have a label. How to set the label of the webpage, click the right mouse button in the blank space of the webpage, select the webpage property to pop up another window. 19 You can also use the background case for your webpage. That way the page looks better. Click the background button in the Page Properties window. Either use the background color or use the background case. It is up to you to decide. You can also define the color of the hyperlink here. That's great!

So far. Your first website was born to commemorate another chapter to make your first homepage. 3 In the last section, we have learned how to make a normal web page. In this section, we will learn how to make a web page that uses the framework.

First of all, we need to know the benefits of using the framework, be good at using the framework, the web page can not only make the page more tidy. It also makes it easier for viewers to browse your web pages. It is not difficult to learn to make web pages that use frames. To be honest, this is not difficult. Run your pound, towel 962000, we will learn how to make a frame page, we will create a new page. Note that this new build is not a button on the button bar. We click on the new page of the 1 File menu. In the pop-up window, select the frame page to create a new 20-level web designer, the author called on the whole family to applaud him for the second, not professional, professional enough! What, NetEase, Sina is a professional, what is the truth of this, the profession is like this, but you think the profession is professional like Netease, Sina. In fact, they make you feel professional. Because they are complete in content. The classification is detailed and it is still a commercial company. Hundreds of employees are updating their website every day, if you are willing to work hard. Update your website every day and put better content, so you are professional.

The website is ready, but do you still feel that it is faint, and you are interested in learning to make a more beautiful page, then you should pay attention to the next chapter of the tutorial, wonderful!

1 Learn to be good at using the grid, the entire page page looks cleaner.

2 use the left-aligned centered right-aligned button to match the use of the grid.

3 Remember to save in Chinese when saving web pages.

4 Be careful when doing hyperlinks, otherwise it is easy to get a link error.

5 Regardless of whether it is professional or not, the key to a good website is creativity.

You can see a lot of frames in the selection frame style window on the left. We select the directory style frame. After selecting it, click the OK button. At this time, if you look at the new web page that you open, it is not the same as the new one. Don't be afraid. This is the framework prototype before editing.

We click on the New Page button on the left and right, and you will see two 〃 editing areas separated by lines in the middle.

The regular back is the most!

A bit of interest avoids this 3 default target plant, 5 is awkward.

Design phase control script... Flat MST55.1 is here to write the webpage of the standard vendor Ding Library. At this time our framework page is built. The next step is to rely on yourself and see how you edit it. I chose the framework of the directory style. Then the editing area on the left is definitely used to make the directory. We edit the directory you want in the directory on the left, and then edit other content you like on the right. Here I will edit the good webpage for everyone to see 23, yes, overall, it is relatively neat and tidy. Well, we will make a link to the catalogue on the left side of the catalogue. Under the preview, it will definitely scare you to jump, how to content All on the left, how to see people. In fact, the link to the framework page is a bit of a learning. We want to display the link page of the left directory on the right. It should be set when doing hyperlinks. Let's start by including a directory and click the hyperlink button in the pop-up hyperlink window. We select the target in the new pop-up window and you can see a frame preview in the upper left corner.

We use the mouse to click on the right frame of the frame preview, so that it is selected 25, confirm it after selection, and then go back to the preview. After clicking the link, the content is not the frame of 26. When your frame page is done, now I will I want to teach you how to save the framework page. Maybe you will say that you save the webpage, what are you talking about! In fact, the save frame page is also learned. After we do the frame page, we click the save button. At this time, add 3922,00 will pop up the series save box, save the frame page is to save several pages 3, we save them in turn, But you should note that when the frame preview of the preview box to the right of the Save Settings box appears as 26, we will name it as also because it is the home page, which contains two pages.

Everyone should pay attention to the fact that the frame pages can't be changed after they are saved, otherwise they will not be able to browse.

Ok, the framework page will learn here. Some readers may blame the author for explaining the way to match the frame page and make it. The key is to yourself. Until now, you should know how to use it. Add 3962000 to do the webpage. Have you ever thought about it on the webpage? Do some tricks, want to learn, haha, hurry up and see the tutorials in the next chapter.

Point 1 is good at using the framework web page to create a unique web style.

2 master the super connection skills of the framework page.

3 Use the grid to match the frame page.

Editor-in-Chief Ma Lianying Note This article reprinted the article and abstracts. Please contact the column directly to edit the Chinese electronic and online publishing.

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