IELTS explains the contents of the salt spray test

Section 15 of the ASTM_B117 Standard Practice for Salt Spray (Atomization) Operation explains in detail the following information during the salt spray test:

1. Unless otherwise specified in the standards for the materials or finished products to be tested, the following information shall be recorded:

1. The type of salt and water used in the preparation of the salt solution.

2. All temperature readings in the exposure area of ​​the spray chamber.

3. Daily data records obtained in each mist collection device, including the following:

(1) The amount of salt solution collected, in terms of how many milliliters per square centimeter (12.4 square inches) per hour.

(2) The concentration or specific gravity of the collected solution at 35 ° C (95 ° F)

(3) The pH of the collected solution

Second, the type of sample and its size, quantity or part description

Third, the method of cleaning the sample before and after the test

Method of supporting or hanging an object in a salt spray chamber

5. Unless otherwise specified, the trim and area of ​​the plating, coating or bilayer material containing the identification mark or contact with the support or bracket shall be protected by a suitable stabilizing coating in accordance with the conditions of this specification. A description of the protection used as required.

Sixth, exposure time

7. Interruptions, causes, and duration in the exposure

Eight, all test results.

Note: If the atomized salt solution that has not been in contact with the sample is returned to the storage tank, it is best to also record the concentration or specific gravity of the solution.


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